Welcome to Energy Works
Energy Healing for People and Animals
“Energy is Everything, including you,
When your energy flows freely,
your life flows easily”
―Hazel Butterworth,
Thank you for visiting my website.
Energy Works is really just all about Energy!!
For me, Energy is everything and everywhere. From the simple insect - to the animals, plants - to our own selves. The earth, stars, clouds, water, rocks and crystals - even the air we breathe is Energy! Guess what? Even your chair is energy! Everything is energy and energy is everything! Simple!
Energy is something that we often take for granted, or never even think about. However, it is the fundamental life force of everything we know! Without Energy - life would cease to exist.
Sometimes we will call certain energies, earth magic. For in some ways, it can appear in our lives and healing journey as just that - Magic!!!
Energy is everything!
Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.

Energy is Life
Energy Works is all about using energy to its maximum potential - working with the greatest intent - for the greatest cause - to bring about balance and harmony in line for our healing on all levels: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We all have the capability to heal - and we all have the right to heal - Energy Medicine, as I like to call it, can certainly help with this.

Energetic Healing
Energy can be used to assist both people and animals with their healing in many different forms; such as through Reiki, Magnetic/Auric energy work, Spiritual healing; through the energy and vibration of plants as in essences, as well as plant oils and extracts, the use of colour, accessing the energy of the very earth at times, plus crystals and other tools; - so many ways are available to us when the intention is honest, clear and heart felt.

Keep it Simple
Walking by the ocean, or in our wonderful forest and native environment, or just 'being' can be healing for us. Healing does not, and should not be complicated. My motto in all aspects of like, is to "just keep it simple". Life can be complicated enough as it is. Something I can be very good at sometimes.
So please feel free to browse through my site, and feel free to make contact with me with any questions that you may have.

If this all looks a bit scary and unfamiliar, then please check out some of my clients comments and experiences in their dealings with me and what I have offered them.
Also please feel free to contact me if you have any questions
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Meet Jeanne
Check out our new video below, and please feel free to share this. Thank you
I am not a Veterinarian or Medical Practitioner. Energy Healing is a Complimentary Healing System and should not replace your current Medical/Vet Advice and Medication. Please seek Medical Advice for any concerns